Frequently Asked Questions
Like The Thinker, one would wonder why a cloud-based IoT system should be installed; wouldn’t this merely lead to more effort and investments?
The following are some frequently asked questions and their answers, which can help to clear up some of the mystery and make the decision to deploy a iTracking Asia Sensor cloud-based IoT system easier.
So absolute, size of the business does not matter as no up-front investment in servers or software is required. What is important is to bring visibility to what is happening in a clear and easy way.
A cloud based IoT system is an Ecosystem of devices, such as sensors and gateways which is connected to the internet. The information collected via the sensors are transmitted back to a main server from where it can be retrieved and displayed in a meaning full way.
An IoT makes it possible to conduct condition-based maintenance and predictive maintenance without adding any resources.
Condition-based maintenance or CBM is a maintenance strategy that monitors the actual condition of an asset to decide what maintenance needs to be done. CBM dictates that maintenance should only be performed when certain indicators show signs of decreasing performance or upcoming failure.
Predictive maintenance makes use of the data collected from the sensors installed. The performance of the equipment is being tracked during normal operation and any defects will be reported to enable remediation before equipment breakdown occurs.
As data are collected automatically time is saved and errors have been eliminated. Furthermore, this also makes it possible for the right persons to get access to the data quicker for decision-making.
Via an easy interface to the system, the alert option in case of an event should happen, it is very easy for the right people interfere if something is not going right and make corrections.
Most likely, knowing real time that your equipment is operating at peak performance and your product is protected will improve business operations.
Mitigate system failures and product losses will be beneficial to say the least.
Piece of mind and time to be more productive… all this equates to money saved.